2014-12-16 10:39:47 辽宁华图公考问答 http://ln.huatu.com/wenda/ 文章来源:未知
1、Fine----(界限) final finish confine(监禁) define finite infinite
2、fer--- “带来”,带来一起(con)作商议(confer),带来之福(of)去供给(offer)。分开(di)带来(fer)生不同(differ),下边(suf)带来遭难(suffer)泣。带回()原处(re)
3、form--- format formal formation former formula inform perform platform transform reform uniform
4、quire---- (探索,探求) acquire require enquire(调查) inquire(询问)
serve-----conserve deserve preserve (保护、保存) observe reserve (储备)
5、sist-----表示“站”(站一站在那一边, 引申“帮助”,“支持”):去(as—-to)“站”一去援助(assist);相反(re)地“站”一抵抗(resist);完全(per-)“站”在那一边一坚持、固执(perslst);“站”在里面(in)一坚持、强调(insist): 由…“站”在一起(con)一由…组成(consist)。
7、 vis-----“看”,vision视力,visual视力的(—a1),visible能(—ible)见的,invisible看不(1n-)见的; 访问(visit)一去看;电视(television)一远距离(tele—)收看:劝告(advise)一加(ad)看法:设计(devise)一强调(de—)看一看出(…道道来);修订(revise)一再(re)看。
9、Scribe-----“写”describe, prescribe, script
10、port portable portion import export support
opportunity passport
11、part partner participate
12、 pend pension, depend suspend expenditure
13、 pur purify, purity,
14、 par partner, participate
15、 plur plural surplus plus
16、 vail (价值) avail, invalid, prevail
17、 sume (拿取) 推测(presume)要继续(resume)承担(assume)假定(assume)的
18、press (压) depress express impress oppress compress (压缩) pressure
19、pose (摆放) compose, deposit, dispose, expose impose oppose
preposition, purpose, suppose
20、spect (看) perspective, aspect, dimension prospect spectator
1、--rack 破裂(crack)的跑道(track)有挂物架(rack)
2、--ack 麻袋(sack)缺乏(lack)挂物架(rack),背后(back)的包裹(pack)要捆扎(pack)
3、--raid 袭击(raid)需要帮助(aid),面对(af)袭击是害怕(afraid)
4、--rally 所有(all)同盟者(ally)要真正(really)集合(rally)在一起
5、--ank 堤岸(bank)坦克(tank)排(rank),坦白(frank)谢(thank)空白(blank)
6、--react 行为(act)事实(fact)精确(exact)反应(react)相互作用(interact)
7、--alm 棕榈(palm)王国(realm)行,风平浪又平(calm)
8、--uit 饼干(biscuit)西服(suit)正合适(suit),招收(recruit)水果(fruit)要辞职
1、per (表示通过,引申为彻底、完全、不断) permission, persist, perceive
2、pre (先前,预知) preface, previous, prevail, pretend, preserve, prescribe, preparation
3、pr (向前,在前,预知) produce progress project, proceed promote
prospect prominent prohibit
4、post:postpone postgraduate postwar
5、para:(旁边类似,准,错误) parallel paralyze paradox paragraph
6、ior: prior inferior superior junior senior exterior interior
reliable 寓言(fable)钢索(cable)成电报(cable),责任(liable)重复(re)才可靠(reliable),书桌(table)钉死(s)把稳(stable)保
relief 简洁(brief)达到(achieve)让贼(thief)信(belief),首领(chief)伤心(grief)会减轻(relief)
request 再次(re)要求(request)一起(con)征服(conquest)这个问题(question)
restrain 下雨(rain)踢(t谐音)一锻炼(train),死(s拼音首)劲锻炼(train)一紧张(strain),紧张(strain)的相反(re—)一抑制(restrain)。紧张(strain)少了(r)生污点(stain),污点(stain)我们(us)忍和撑(sustain)。
resume 推测(Presume)要恢复(resume)承担(assume)假定(assume)的消费(consume)。
revenue 材荫道上“爱妃遛’’(avenue谐音),如果返回(re—)交税收(revenue)。
reverse 宇宙(universe)反转(reverse), 就象多种多样的(diverse)诗词(verse*)有害(adverse*)。
Resolve —volve和—volt—表示“转动”一“卷”:向外(e—)转动一前进一进化、发展(evolve);向里(in)转动一卷入(involve);反(re—)转一反抗(revolt);反(re—)转一革命、旋转(revolve);volume—-古代的书是“卷”起来收藏的,“册’’又称“卷”。
panic: pan 内心像盘子一样浅的人,容易惊慌失措
particle: 例子里面见文章
passion: 一届会议(session)大家定,激情(passion)过时领使命(mission),代表团里小姐 (miss)俊,为了使命(mission)拼死命。
Passive: 人生大量(massive)的时候都是被动的(passive)
Paste: 浆糊(paste)膏药(plaster)佩,赶快(haste)品尝(taste)莫浪费(waste)
Patent: 专利(patent)是没有爱心(i)的病人(patient)
Pay: 日期(day)对,快乐(gay)给,射线(ray)锐,放要(lay)垒,付要(pay)赔,海湾在(bay)北,问路喊(way)喂
Penetrate 一个便士吹得---太薄了------穿透,渗透
Permit 全体委员(committee)承认(admit)屈从(submit)传播(transmit)媒体,犯了(commit)忽略(omit)界限(limit),允许(permit)发射(emit)这一错误
Pill 作坊(mill)像小山(hill),账单(bill)来充满(fill),直到(till)问遗愿(will),杀死(kill)用药丸(pill)。技能(skill)静静溅(spill),激动(thrill)往寒冷(chill)里钻(drill)。
Polish 废除(abolish)愚蠢的(foolish)抛光(polish)法
Pray 喷雾(spray)祈祷(spay)欢,背叛(betray)是(be)托盘(tray),灰色(gray)X光(x-ray)排成串(array)
Procession 职业(profession)好,财产(possession)多,排队伍(procession)找
Property 财产(property)穷(poverty)中产,自由(liberty)没人管
Provoke 笑话(joke)把烟吸(smoke),一击(stroke)惹(provoke)窒息(choke)
Punch 捆、束(bunch)要“绑起”,午饭(lunch)“烂吃”。发射下水(launch)“难弃”,冲压钻孔(punch)会“胖起”
Pursue 组织(tissue)踢死(tis)是织物(tissue),发行(issue)流出成刊物(issue),从事(pursue)追赶(pursue)遭起诉(sue)
Narrow 借来(borrow)狭窄(narrow)一把剑(arrow),麻雀(sparrow)悲伤(sorrow)在明天(tomorrow).
Diana was still doing some preparation for her presentation, which was about prejudice against women. She was invited to make a preliminary statement at the next conference, where a lot of important people would be in presence. Although Diana had made countless speeches with presence of mind, she was still a bit nervous, knowing she had to speak in the presence of the first lady. Diana used to work as a doctor but presently she devoted all her time to improving working conditions for women. "After prescribing medicines for my patients for years, I realized that there are problems that medicine can't cure." Diana decided her speech should start like this: "A lot of women suffer from pressures, and they are pressured both at work and at home. Presumably, men figure it's because women are very emotional, and this belief prevails. But it's totally wrong, and it will prejudice the understanding of the real problem. Few people have realized that this issue is as important as preserving world peace, or rather, it's the necessary preliminary to world peace." She thought she'd make a pause at the preposition "to", so she could grab the attention of the audience. She planned to conclude her speech by pointing out that men and women were able to co-exist without prejudice to either side.
Sylvia, together with 30 other volunteers, works in a refugee camp, located in the region of the border. In order to regulate the camp, there are a lot of regulations. The residents are all registered, regarding their sex, age, and health status. However, as more and more people arrive in the region, some reforms are taking place. The authorities now constantly reform the register and refine the process, so they won't reject anyone who needs help. They also ask international organizations to reinforce the supply of food and medicine, but one thing concerning them is that sometimes they get rejects from suppliers, who try to make more profits regardless of the possible harm it could do. Sylvia wrote to the headquarters and reflected on the problem. Her reflection received prompt feedback. In future, for supplies that do not meet their requirements, refusal will be the only response. Sylvia works long hours in the camp, and doesn't have enough rest to refresh herself. There are other difficulties, too, but she is determined to carry on regardless.
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